

Ultra-large-scale integration (ULSI) chip manufacturing involves highly advanced and precise processes. The production requires clean rooms to protect the chips from dust and other micro-particles, ensuring an ultra-clean environment. Key manufacturing steps include photolithography (exposure), etching, doping (adding impurities), and packaging. These processes are carried out with extreme precision, enabling miniaturization and performance enhancement of circuits. ULSI chips are central components in computers, smartphones, and various electronic devices.


  1. 水素工場ー鉱石粉砕


  2. 原子力発電所の原子炉のミニチュア

  3. 高速増殖炉と原子力発電所

  4. 核融合炉による発電のミニチュア

  5. 核融合炉のミニチュアイメージ

  6. 化学メーカーの工場内ミニチュア